The Master’s degree program "Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation" is intended only for persons who have graduated at a college with a “Professional bachelor's” degree in the "Rehabilitation" specialty.
Organization of the study The form of study is full-time and lasts for four semesters. The two-year study program includes three groups of modules: 20 obligatory modules (53 ECTS); elective modules (12 ECTS) from 27 possible elective modules (62 credits), and facultative modules (9 ECTS) - from 6 possible facultative modules. One module is 30 academic hours, including 15 hours of auditory work and 15 hours of self-study. The total of study hours with the graduation is 3600 academic hours of which 1800 hours of auditory work, 1800 hours of self-study, for 28 exams and 500 hours of preparation for a diploma thesis or state exam for which 15 credits are assigned. The Specializations are selected in the second year and are 5 - Physiotherapy in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Physiotherapy in Neurology and Psychiatry, Physiotherapy in Cardiology and Pneumology, Physiotherapy in Geriatrics, Physiotherapy in Pediatrics. Masters choose 1 of these specializations and study it within 21 ECTS, with an equal number of theoretical and practical classes. The Master’s degree study begins at the beginning of November and ends in October of the second school year.
Conducting of the study program The teaching is led by 19 highly qualified lecturers, including 5 professors of pedagogical and medical sciences and 14 associate professors. The specialized training in physiotherapy is carried out by the two specialized departments "Theory and Methodology of the Physiotherapy " and " Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation", consisting of 12 academic and 10 non-academic lecturers, with Ph.D. and specialty ðhysiotherapy.
Graduation The graduation in the Master’s Program of "Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation" is done with the defense of a diploma thesis, according to the chosen specialization or state exam. Successfully graduated students receive a diploma of Master's degree in "Physical therapy and rehabilitation", Master's program "Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation", with a specialization in the clinical field, which have institutional and program accreditation, at NSA "Vassil Levski".
Opportunities for the professional realization The graduated students with the qualification "master" of the professional qualification "Physical therapy and rehabilitation" have the opportunity to realize in: health care establishments (hospitals, outpatients settings and others), restoration centers, fitness centers, SPA centers, professional health centers, sports clubs, training and sports centers, educational institutions, scientific centers and others. |