Education and Career
Completed a master's degree at the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia in the specialty "Healthcare Management" in 2006. In 2014, received the educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in the scientific specialty "Social Medicine and Organization of Healthcare and Pharmacy." Holds specializations in the healthcare system: "Medical Pedagogy" and "Public Health" at MU-Sofia. Since 2015, appointed as an Associate Professor, and since 2020 and currently, a Professor at MU-Sofia, MK. Since 2023, appointed as a Professor at NSA.
Teaching Activity
Teaches students in the professional field "Healthcare". Academic advisor and mentor for Scholarship programs for students of Roma origin studying in medical specialties.
Scientific Interests
The main directions of scientific interests are in the field of Public Health and Healthcare.
Publications, Textbooks, Manuals
Author and co-author of over 150 publications in Bulgarian and international editions. Over 150 citations in Bulgaria and foreign editions.
Editor-in-chief of the broad-profile medical journal "Health and Science." Member of international and national scientific associations and organizations: Gerontological Society of America; Member of the Management Board of the National Association of Gerontology; International Forum of Teachers (IFT) of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics. Balkan Medical Union – BMU; National Association of Health Policy and Management – NAHPM; Bulgarian Scientific Society of Public Health – BSSPH; BAPZG; Balkan Association for History and Philosophy of Medicine – BAHP; Bulgarian Association of Preventive Medicine – BSPM; and others.